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VP Team Advises Client on Purchase of 100% Shares in ABL Faktor…

Fedor Galečić • july 24, 2024

VP Team Advises Client on Purchase of 100% Shares in ABL Faktor doo Company

Our VP Law Firm team advised the client, ODM Collections doo Belgrade, on the transaction of purchasing 100% shares in the company ABL Faktor doo.

Namely, bankruptcy proceedings have been initiated against the company ABL Faktor doo in 2022, after which the said company was sold as a legal entity in the bankruptcy proceedings.

After a detailed analysis of the bankruptcy and sales documentation, followed by lengthy negotiations, ODM Collections doo took ownership of the company ABL Faktor doo, which will, after obtaining all necessary approvals from regulators, aim at renewing its business in the factoring sector.

A key role in the realization of this transaction was played by our firm’s managing partner – attorney Predrag Miladinović, as well as attorney Marina Šorak and legal intern Teodora Novković, who were responsible for preparing the offer and the contract, as well as conducting all related legal affairs concerning the transfer of ownership to their client as the new owner.

Aa another in a series of successful transactions, this servs as a testament to the long-standing cooperation between VP Law Firm and the company ODM Collections doo, as well as our commitment to supporting clients in their pursuit of growth, development, and expansion in the factoring sector.