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Legal Insights

What Changes Were Introduced by the Amendments to the Law…
On 31st July 2024, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopted the Amendments to the Law on Payment…
Alimony Fund
At the beginning of July 2024, the long-awaited proposal for the Law on Temporary Child Support from the Alimony Fund was…
Collection of Claims Against the Controlling Member of a Company…
This text will further elaborate on the regulation concerning the legislature of the Republic of Serbia addressing the collection…
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Legislates Entrepreneurial…
The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina has enacted the Law on Entrepreneurial Infrastructure, which regulates the relevant…
Acquiring the Status of a Qualified Electricity Producer in Federation…
The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERK”) has enacted the Regulation on Qualified…
Production of Electricity for Private Needs in Federation of Bosnia…
The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) has adopted a new Regulation on Electricity Self-Consumption, which was…
Legal Aspects of Digital Business Transformation
The accelerated technological progress in recent decades has brought about fundamental changes in the way businesses…
New Tax Opinions Regulation
The new Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) Tax Opinions Regulation was published in Official Gazette of the…
Amendments to Republika Srpska Civil Procedure Law
The latest amendments to the Republika Srpska Civil Procedure Law were enacted to ensure procedural improvements…
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Seeks to Enact New…
The Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is considering a Liquidation Bill, with the new rules motivated by…
Copyright and Online Content
Copyright may seem alien to the virtual world, where just one thoughtless click can result in infringement…
Are Photographs Copyright Protected?
The use of works produced by others for creative purposes is nothing new. It has been around for as long as creativity itself has…
A New Decision of the Constitutional Court in Favor of Working Mothers
From the beginning of the application of the Law on Financial Support to Families with Children (hereinafter: the Law) on July 1…
The Amended Law on Foreigners and Their Employment Enters Into Force
Secondary regulations required for the full implementation of amendments to the Law on Foreign Nationals and Law on Employment…
EU To Cap Cash Payments at 10,000 Euros
Last Thursday, European Union (EU) member states agreed a new set of anti-money laundering (AML) measures. The countries…
Public Procurement Portal Users Must Renew Registrations by…
Amendments to the Public Procurement Law (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 92/2023) and the related amendments to…
Employers and Gender Equality
More than two and a half years have passed since the beginning of the implementation of the new Law on Gender Equality in the…
The Right of the Child To Maintain Personal Relations With…
In Vol. 1 of Collected Papers of the 36th meeting of Kopaonik School of Natural Law – Slobodan Perović, there is published…
Highlights of the Republika Srpska Electronic Money (E-Money) Law
The Republika Srpska Electronic Money Law was published on 5 January 2024 in the Official Gazette of Republika Srpska…
Electronic Company Registration in the Republic of Serbia…
In line with European efforts to create a competitive, innovative, and efficient business environment, electronic…
Copyright Infringement Damages
Holders of copyright and related rights are entitled to compensation for damage, either material or intangible, if these rights are infringed…
The Importance of Determining the Existence of Marriage…
In new edition of Collected Papers of the Faculty of Law in Novi Sad, there is published scientific paper of colleague Jelena Plamenac, Senior…
Domain Names: Some Key Considerations
This paper aims to serve as a brief guide to domain names, their usage and relationship with trademark law, and their registration process…
The Status of Bills of Exchange in Laws and in Practice
Serbian legislation does not define a bill of exchange. Therefore, a bill of exchange could be defined in several ways: through the…
Energy passports
Energy passports are a powerful tool for assessing residential energy efficiency. These passports, formally termed ‘energy…
FIDIC contracts: key FIDIC rules and practical benefits
FIDIC contracts have become increasingly widespread in Serbia in both the construction industry and in legal practice. FIDIC stands…
Legal regulation of same-sex marriages in Serbia
Based on the proposal of the „Civil Partnership Act“ from September 8th, 2023, the legal regulation of same-sex marriages in Serbia…
The EU Digital Services Act: A new challenge for tech firms
The Digital Services Act (DSA) took effect in the EU on 25 August 2023. Whilst this area had previously been governed…
Novelty in the Regulation on Attracting Direct Investments
In May and June 2023, amendments to the Regulation on Determining the Criteria for Granting the Incentives for Attracting Direct…
New Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Renewable Energy…
The Renewable Energy and High-Efficiency Cogeneration Law is designed to promote development of the electricity market…
New Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Electricity Law
The Electricity Law, published in the Official Journal of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 60/23, lays…
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina energy law reform
On 31 July 2023 the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina amended a set of laws designed to align its electricity regulations with…
Construction industry in the spotlight: some…
On 26 July 2023 the Serbian Parliament enacted a major set of amendments to the Planning and Construction Law put forward…
Amendments to the Building Legalisation Law…
On 26 July 2023, the Serbian Parliament enacted a number of laws, including amendments to the Building Legalisation Law…
How to register a pledge on movable property and…
A pledge on movable assets and rights represents the type of property law on someone else’s assets or a right based on which the creditor secures…
New Special Collective Agreement for construction…
**After almost 4 years, Serbia once again has a special collective agreement in the field of construction and construction material…
New attorney fee from June 3, 2023
In the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia No. 43/2023. On Friday, May 26, 2023 a new Tariff on fees and reimbursements for…
Lien statement problems as an executive document – in view of practice
Lien statement presents one of the leading executive documents, which is used because of the protection of credit placements by…
VP Law Firm announced Guide – Temporary…
Get access to our Guide HERE and in a few steps find out all you want to know about temporary residence and working permit in Republic of Serbia…
Obligation of business entities to register as users of…
On 27.11.2021. The Law on Amendments to the Law on Business Companies (Official Gazette No. 109/2021) entered into force, with the…
Tax incentives for research and development
Recent years have seen the amendment of multiple tax regulations that have introduced numerous incentives for a variety of taxpayers. These tax breaks…
What will the amendments to the Law which…
By the Law on Amendments to the Law on the Registration Procedure at the Agency for Business Registers (“Official Gazette of RS” No. 99/2011…
Receivables management companies in Serbia and the region
1. Background Receivables management companies are a diverse group of businesses. Their operations cover a broad range of activities, from…
Critical review – The right to asylum in the Republic of Serbia
VP Law Firm in the previous period was engaged in the preparation of a legal opinion on the possibility of persons who have been granted the…
Green Financing and ESG Risk: The Necessity of Regulation
It is almost impossible to imagine achieving the goals of climate change mitigation, improving energy efficiency, or preventing pollution, without…
Amendments to the Law on the central beneficial ownership register
On 27 February 2023, the Serbian Parliament enacted a number of laws, including the Law Amending the Law on the Central Register of Beneficial Owners (Official Gazette of…
Management of bank receivables…
1. Basic principles of the banking service The common interest of both sides, banks and the client, is to…
What do the announced changes to the Law on Foreigners…
Adoption of the proposed amendments to the regulations is expected during March 2023, however, their implementation has been…
Indemnity for damages and statute of limitations…
The issue of damage compensation is primarily governed by the Law on Contracts and Torts (“Official Gazette of the SFRY”…
Continuation of reforms in the field…
A new General Collective Agreement (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 150/2022) was concluded on December 26th…
Successful implementation of the enforcement…
Enforcement proceedings involve the procedure of forced collection of claims that a creditor has against a debtor…
VP Law Firm and RCEL have published a…
We are glad to inform you that our colleagues Danica Janković and Jelena Plamenac in cooperation with…
Corporatization of the public companies
In the previous days, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Serbia published a draft of the Law on the Management of…
Poreski status preduzetnika paušalaca u 2023. godini
Tax status of a sole traders subject to…
As we approach the end of the year, the issue of the amount of tax obligations of sole traders subject to lump sum taxation has…
European Commission issues new guidance for…
On 21 October 2022, the European Commission (EC) published „A new set of guidelines for a best-execution process for…
Controlling member of a business in enforced collection
The notion of controlling member is defined in Article 62, Affiliated Persons, of the Serbian Companies Law (Official Gazette of the…
Enforcement and accrued interest – Statement of accrued interest as…
Where a debtor fails to pay a debt that has become due, the creditor is entitled to seek to collect that debt in an…
Gender equality of company members
The latest set of amendments to the Corporations Law (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia Nos. 36/2011, 99/2011…
Becoming bankable
So you’ve come up with a good idea and started up a firm, only to find yourself confronted with a multitude of…
Micro-lending in Serbia and the region
The current financing model, in which banks take a leading role and are indeed often the only lenders, has proven excessively…
Government of Republic of Serbia issued Decision on the Temporary Protection…
Citizens of Ukraine and their family members who have stayed in Ukraine, i.e. asylum seekers, stateless persons and foreigners…
Factoring vs assignment
It is generally held that factoring and assignment are virtually indistinguishable. At first glance, the differences are subtle because the…
Trade credit insurance helps businesses improve performance
In any language, the word ‘insurance’ carries the meaning of security, confidence, and protection. And that is exactly what…
Guide through the procedure of starting business in in the Republic of Serbia…
This brief guide to starting a business in Serbia seeks to answer questions frequently asked by prospective investors and clarify the most…
News from the environmental protection field – IPARD projects
9th March 2022 – IPARD III program for Republic of Serbia has been adopted IPARD III program will be realized through year 2023…
Izmene zakona o rokovima
Amendments to the Serbian Late Payments Law
The Late Payments Law (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia Nos. 119/12, 68/15, 113/17, 91/19, 44/21 – Other Law, and…
New changes to the Law on fiscalization
The Law on Fiscalization began its application on November 1, 2021 (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 153/2020 and 96/2021)…
Improved electronic application form for the establishment of a company with…
As it is known every day, the state administration bodies of the Republic of Serbia are trying to improve e-business by reducing bureaucratic…
Obligation for business entities to be registered on the e-Government (eUprava) web site
Increasing digitalisation and automation have influenced the amendment of Article 21 of the Companies act (Official Gazette of the Republic of…
Nuptial contract as subject of refutation by creditors
Scientific journal “Law and Economy”, No 4/2021, published by The Business Lawyer Association of Serbia, published Article on topic:…
Amendments to the Companies act
In what has become a routine activity, once every two to three years the Serbian Parliament deliberates amendments to the…
Businesses on a mission – a brief guide for switching to e-invoicing
The long-awaited introduction of electronic invoices, and the broader changes to how payments between companies operate, have…
Costs of the Enforcement Proceedings
Enforcement proceedings are an integral part of any legal system. Although, the public opinion on enforcement proceedings is mostly…
Financing real estate purchases in enforcement procedures
Can a loan be used to buy a property at public auction? There are many issues hindering development of the market in real estate that are…
Direktiva servisiranja kredita
A political agreement has been reached on the Credit Servicing Directive
Establishing of a strategy for dealing with non-performing loans (NPLs) has been on the European Union’s list of priorities for many years. Back…
Rad od kuće
Working from home – a privilege and/or a burden?
Working from home has become particularly important manner of organization of work during the Covid-19 pandemic, as its inherent…
Post-moratorium credit risk
On 14 December 2020, the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) adopted the Decision on Temporary Measures for Banks to Enable Adequate Credit Risk Management…
A proposal to amend the Consumer Protection…
In the following period, the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia is expected to adopt amendments to the Consumer Protection Law….
Buying and selling unregistered property
Issues associated with buying and selling property have become increasingly topical in recent decades, and so have concerns about its registration, in particular…
Assessment of child adoption provisions of the Serbian Same-Sex Unions…
The Serbian authorities have made public the proposed Same-Sex Unions Bill[1], which, as expected, generated much controversy. On the one…
Slobodna zona Beograd
Tax or confiscation
I The aim of adopting the Law The Law on Determining the Origin of Property and Special Tax was adopted by the National Assembly of the…
Amendments to higher education laws
The Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development has published its draft of amendments to the Higher…
Foreign Exchange – Registration or Reporting to NBS?
We are witnessing that many companies, entrepreneurs and other resident legal entities encounter a lot of difficulties, especially when it…
Costs of civil litigation
I. Introduction As with any legal proceeding, civil litigation generates costs for the parties. Both the plaintiff and the defendant will be interested in how much a…
II Guarantee Scheme as a measure of additional support to the economy…
The Assembly of Serbia on April 22nd, 2021 three laws for the implementation of the third package of assistance to…
News from the region – for the first time in the Republic of Croatia…
While there is a lot of controversy in the Republic of Serbia about the extent of the Law on Same-Sex Unions which has not yet been…
‘Pilot judgments’: will they promote efficiency or further …
A working party at the Ministry of Justice is drafting amendments to the Civil Procedure Law (Official Gazette of the Republic of…
Archiving business documentation in the future
By adoption the new Law on Archival Material and Archival Activity („Official Gazette of the RS””, No. 6/2020) (hereinafter: The Law), which…
Izmena zakona o stecaju
Changes in Bankruptcy Law
The Ministry of Economy held a public debate on the Draft Law on Amendments to the Bankruptcy Law and the Law on the Agency for Licensing…
VP privatizacioni savetnik
Digital assets, digital currencies
The best part of the past decade has been taken up by daily debates about the development of cashless economies, in which payments using physical…
Program direktnih davanja
New Regulation establishing the Direct Payments Program to Mitigate the…
The Republic of Serbia’s Government adopted on 11th of February, 2021 the Regulation establishing Direct Payments Program to the business entities from private…
Seminar - Novi zakon o ozakonjenju objekata
National Bank of Serbia adopts new rules on international credit facility operations
In early January 2021, the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) adopted two decisions elaborating on provisions of the Foreign Currency Transactions Law (FCTL) that…
For foreign citizens who have the business obligations in Serbia entry into the…
The Government of the Republic of Serbia supported and adopted the initiative of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce which implies that…
 (Pre)nuptial contracts
‘Spouses shall be equal’; ‘The property of spouses may be either joint or separate’; ‘The property acquired by the labour of spouses whilst…
Procedural costs in bankruptcy proceedings
Bankruptcy is a collective proceedings by which creditors are able recover their debts from debtors, and its primary purpose is to maximise the value…
VP privatizacioni savetnik
National Bank of Serbia introduces third moratorium on loan…
On 14 December 2020, the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) adopted the Decision on interim measures for banks to ensure appropriate…
Data Updating in The Central Register of The Compulsory Social Insurance and…
Aleksandra Ćalić Bošković i Marijana Biševac • Dec 16, 2020 Data Updating in The Central Register of The Compulsory Social Insurance and Decision on New Minimum Salary Per Work Hour…
Access to finance of enterprises in the euro area in 2020
In November 2020, the European Central Bank (ECB) published the findings of annual Survey on the Access to Finance of Enterprises in…
Nestale bebe
The case of Zorica Jovanović – the trigger of the legal regulation of the…
On February 29th, the Law on Establishing Facts on the status of Newborns Suspected to have Disappeared in maternity wards in the Republic of Serbia (hereinafter: The Law)…
Seminar “Novi zakon o izvršenju i obezbeđenju”
The establishment of a new Register under the jurisdiction of the…
From January 2021, in addition to the existing ones, Serbian Business Registers Agency will be in charge of another register that will keep records of certified…
Rapp Zastava winches doo -Gruža-Knić
Digital Property Tax
The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Serbia published the Draft Law on Digital Property, and invited the professional public and all interested parties to get…
Jugo-Kaolin doo Beograd - Kopovi ad Ub
The Montenegrin Corporations Law: a step in the right direction for attracting…
This article examines the new Montenegrin Corporations Law (Official Gazette of Montenegro, No. 065/20 of 03 July 2020) (‘the CL’), which was enacted by the Montenegrin Parliament on…
Konkurs za obavljanje studentske prakse
Transfer of personal data to the US in the light of EU rulings
The General Data Privacy Regulation (GDPR), formally Regulation (EU) 2016/679, has served as the model for the Serbian Personal Data Protection Law. As such…
Zakon o zapošljavanju i osiguranju za slučaj nezaposlenosti
Misleading advertising and failures of due diligence
Businesses throughout Europe and globally are increasingly confronted with misleading advertising and a growing variety of phishing…
Uspešna transakcija rudnik bakra Bor
Tax treatment of income earned abroad
On 13 October 2020, the Serbian Tax Administration (STA) issued an announcement inviting Serbians who earn income abroad to comply with their statutory requirement of…
The position of real estate purchasers in enforcement proceedings
In enforcement proceedings, real estate is sold by either public auction or direct agreement. Where an auction is advertised, third parties…
Amber alerts: coming soon to Serbia?
Amber alerts are messages distributed by a rapid child abduction alert system. Once the system is activated, it immediately triggers a series…
nacrt zakona
Draft digital assets Law
The Serbian Ministry of Finance (MoF) has published a draft of the proposed Digital Assets Law and invited the expert community and all…
New Register of Health Facilities – a new electronic and public database centralized…
During 2019, it has been adopted the new Law on Health Care („Official Gazette“, No. 25/2019) (hereinafter: the Law), which provides…
Incentives for legalization and free registration in the cadastre 
Today, from 5 pm, live on follow the program in which incentives for legalization and free registration…
Proširenje VP tima
Good things come to those who wait?Will delaying make…
To meet the growing need for a codification of the country’s civil law, as far back as November 2006 the Serbian Government established the…
Zakon o zapošljavanju i osiguranju za slučaj nezaposlenosti
European Court of Justice ruling to invalidate the EU-U.S. Privacy…
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), formally Regulation (EU) 2016/679, governs the transfer of personal data by entities subject to the GDPR to third…
Electronic signature in Republic of Serbia (in eyes of strangers)…
In omnipresent digitalization process which takes place in our lives as a necessary phenomenon in the correspondence between…
Bračna versus vanbračna zajednica
Formal or common-law marriage – right to inherit
Given Serbian traditions and cultural mores, the topic of common-law marriage has always been a controversial one. There are many open…
Judicial reforms – a challenge in established practice and…
On the one hand, the need for modernization and the aspiration towards European standards, and on the other hand, the desire to instill more…
Slobodna zona Beograd
Online auctions
As the deferral period ends on 1 September 2020 and the latest amendments to the Enforcement and Security Law (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, Nos. 106/2015…
Crna Gora - pomera granice
The Law on Life Partnership of Persons of the Same Sex (hereinafter: the Law), which has been a topic of a numerous discussions on the political scene of Montenegro…
Rulebook on preventive measures for safe and healthy work to…
Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs has adopted the Rulebook on Preventive Measures for Safe…
This paper examines the problems posed by non-performing debt owed by retail clients to banks and debt buyers (‘distressed personal debt’ or ‘retail NPLs’) in Serbia and proposes…
Usvojene izmene i dopune zakona o strancima
On April 25th The National Assembly of Serbia adopted the amendments to the Law on Foreigners, which were published in the Sluzbeni Glasnik of the Republic…
Zakon o izmenama i dopunama zakona o hipoteci
The Law Amendments and Supplements to the Mortgage Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No. 60/2015* from 8th July 2015) , hereinafter referred…
Pravilnik o načinu unutrašnjeg uzbunjivanja
On 13th June 2015 The Rulebook on Manner of Internal Whistle-blowing, Manner of Appointing an Authorized Person and Other Questions that…
Zakon o zaštiti prava na suđenje u razumnom roku
On May 7th, 2015 the National Assembly of Republic of Serbia adopted the Law on Protection of the Right to Trial Within Reasonable Time, which Law…
Zakon o zapošljavanju i osiguranju za slučaj nezaposlenosti
As of 7th May 2015, the Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Employment and Unemployment Insurance…
Zakon o inspekcijskom nadzoru
As of 30th April 2016, the Law on Inspectional Supervision (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No. 36/2015) which regulates the content, types…
Izmene i dopune zakona o penzijskom i invalidskom osiguranju
Serbian Parliament adopted the amendments to the Pension and disability insurance law. The amendments were published in the Official Gazette of the…
Izmene i dopune zakona o radu
Serbian Parliament adopted the amendments to the Labor Law. The amendments were published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of…
Poreski propisi - podzakonska regulativa
The Ministry of finance adopted a number of Rulebooks for the porous of regulating in detail all of the changes stated in the provisions stipulated…
Pravilnik o objektima za koje se ne može izdati građevinska dozvola
The Ministry of Construction and Urban Planning adopted the Rulebook of objects that can not be issued construction permit, the level of construction of the…
Izmene i dopuna pravosudnih zakona
Serbian Parliament adopted the set of amendments to the judicial laws, i.e. following amendments: • Amendments to the Law…
Zakon o legalizaciji
Serbian Parliament adopted a new Law on Legalization of Buildings that will allow subsequent issuance of constructional and…
Poreski propisi
On 29th of May 2013. Serbian Parliament adopted a number of amendments to existing tax legislation, as follows:…
Primena zakona o javnom informisanju
In Media Center in Belgrade, public debate was held on the topic of “Application of the Law on Public Information”. Debate was organized by the…