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Obligation of business entities to register as users of…

Nemanja Mitić • may 22, 2023

Obligation of business entities to register as users of electronic administration services

On 27.11.2021. The Law on Amendments to the Law on Business Companies (Official Gazette No. 109/2021) entered into force, with the provision that certain provisions will enter into force at a later date. One of those provisions concerns the obligation of business entities to register as users of electronic administration services, which is scheduled to enter into force on May 27, 2023.

Namely, in the Amendments to the Law on Business Companies, Article 21 of the Law on Business Companies was amended, which prescribes that the company, in addition to the previously mandatory registration of an e-mail address, must now also be registered on the electronic administration portal, for reasons of compliance with the Law on electronic administration. Article 40 of the Law on Electronic Administration stipulates that the public administration body is obliged to deliver the act in the form of an electronic document to the party electronically, and to the user of the electronic administration services, to deliver it electronically to the Single Electronic Box, unless otherwise prescribed by a separate law.

This novelty will certainly speed up the submission of various solutions and decisions of competent state authorities, submission of requests and the like, but still, on the other hand, it also represents a certain risk when it comes to this issue. Still, a large number of business entities, especially when it comes to entrepreneurs of an older age, are not digitally literate and do not use electronic services, which in practice can be a problem for them.