Banking and Finance, Professional text28. June 2024.Collection of Claims Against the Controlling Member of a Company…
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Corporate and Commerical Law, News13. June 2024.Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Legislates Entrepreneurial…
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Energy & Natural resources, News17. May 2024.Acquiring the Status of a Qualified Electricity Producer in Federation…
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Energy & Natural resources, News17. May 2024.Production of Electricity for Private Needs in Federation of Bosnia…
Corporate and Commerical Law, Professional text16. May 2024.Legal Aspects of Digital Business Transformation
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Civil Law, News28. March 2024.Amendments to Republika Srpska Civil Procedure Law
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Corporate and Commerical Law, News27. March 2024.Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Seeks to Enact New…
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Intellectual Property, News06. March 2024.Are Photographs Copyright Protected?