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Jelena Plamenac

Senior Attorney at Law

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Jelena Plamenac

Senior Attorney at Law


Empowered by sustainable legal advice

Today, companies face the myriad of legal challenges associated with environmental and social and sustainability issues in their everyday operations. Starting from measuring their carbon footprint, climate change issues, waste management, to diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility and corporate governance.

As the environmental, social & governance (ESG) principles gain momentum, the drive to estimate the sustainability models and social impact of investments is higher than ever.

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Održivi pravni savet za održivi biznis

Kompanije se danas u svakodnevnom poslovanju suočavaju sa različitim pravnim izazovima vezanim za pitanja životne sredine, socijalnim i pitanjima održivosti. Počevši od merenja karbonskog otiska, pitanja klimatskih promena i upravljanja različitim vrstama otpada, korporativne društvene odgovornosti i upravljanja.

Ekološki, socijalni i principi  korporativnog upravljanja (ESG), postaju glavna odrednica načina poslovanja u savremenom svetu. Potreba za procenom održivosti i uticaja poslovanja na društvo uopšte, postaje jača nego ikada.

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In this area, we provide the following services:

Our lawyers at can help you develop strategies, identify risks and provide solutions that enable clients to comply with emerging ESG regulations and stakeholder expectations.

  • Reporting on ESG impacts, including ESG due diligence and risk assessments;
  • AML;
  • Sustainable supply chains and green financing solutions;
  • Compliance with ESG rules.
We advise clients across a variety of sectors to help them recognise and capitalize on the opportunities ESG principles can bring, while managing the risks and compliance requirements that arise from it.
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We advise clients across a variety of sectors to help them recognise and capitalize on the opportunities ESG principles can bring, while managing the risks and compliance requirements that arise from it.
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U ovoj oblasti pružamo sledeće usluge:

In this area, we provide the following services:

Our lawyers at can help you develop strategies, identify risks and provide solutions that enable clients to comply with emerging ESG regulations and stakeholder expectations.

  • Reporting on ESG impacts, including ESG due diligence and risk assessments;
  • AML;
  • Sustainable supply chains and green financing solutions;
  • Compliance with ESG rules.
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