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Jelena Plamenac

Senior Attorney at Law

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Jelena Plamenac

Senior Attorney at Law

Environmental Law

Helping clients on the path to a more sustainable future

The landscape of the environmental law is an assembly of complex regulations and policies that change at a frenetic pace. Private and public entities are, now more than ever, pressured to deal with these issues as non-compliance can lead to significant financial and reputational issues.

Zastita životne sredine

Savet usmeren ka održivijoj budućnosti poslovanja

Pravni okvir koji reguliše životnu sredinu je skup složenih propisa i politika koje se menjaju frenetičnom brzinom. Privatni i javni subjekti su sada, više nego ikad ranije, pod pritiskom da svoje poslovanje u potpunosti usaglase sa ovim pravilima imajući u vidu da nepoštovanje istih može dovesti do značajnih finansijskih izdataka i reputacionih izazova.


Local and regional experts

Environmental practice at VP Law Firm consists of local and regional legal experts to assist clients when implementing changes related to environmental policy and regulations, never losing sight of compliance in their operations.


Our services in this sphere are:

  • Environmental impact assessment of projects and obtaining report approval;
  • Preparation and implementation of environmental damage remedy plans;
  • Preparation and implementation of plans to bring operations into line with environmental standards in force in Serbia and / or EU and sustainability;
  • Inspection and other proof of compliance procedures for prescribed emission, technology, waste disposal and products standards.

Fokusirani na to da naši klijenti prevaziđu ograničenja i efikasno posluju u zakonskim okvirima, pružamo podršku i učestvujemo u poslovnim procesima klijenata od prvog koraka, samog kreiranja ideje i razvoja poslovnog plana, pa sve do finalnog, otpočinjanja pružanja nove usluge, odnosno uvođenja novog proizvoda.


Specialized in environmental law

Environmental attorneys at VP Law Firm assist clients and communities on their path to a more sustainable future. Through a range of issues such as land, water, air contamination, climate change to sustainability, energy efficiency, waste disposal and use of renewables, the team solves unique legal challenges and needs of each client while monitoring changes in regulations and legislation that might affect the clients’ future business plans.

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Years of experience

Combining years of experience our lawyers provide legal services across the full spectrum of environmental issues, from basic contracts and permits to complex site cleanups, litigations, and compliance matters.

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We will create a winning strategy

We are careful to tailor our environmental services to the specific needs of each client.
We advise our clients on the most cost-effective solutions available, ensuring them that they can make properly informed decisions on short-, medium- and long-term environmental issues and create the adequate corporate environmental strategy.

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