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Jelisaveta Janić

Partner – Attorney at Law

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Jelisaveta Janić

Partner – Attorney at Law

Financial Services & FinTech

Embracing the Change with Contemporary Advice

Digital transformation has hit the business world hard. Many industry sectors have a hard time coping with fast-paced changes, causing them to lose their market share. Traditional financial services sector has seen a lot of “new kids on the block” grabbing their part of the market fast, in the past ten years, causing them to re-invent their business strategies. Although at a somewhat slower pace, the regulations governing this field are also rapidly altering.

Rather than catching up with the changes, by providing accurate and timely legal advice we help you to efficiently embrace and implement them into your business strategies.

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Finansijske usluge i FinTech

Savet prilagođen modernom poslovanju

Digitalna transformacija je značajno izmenila način savremenog poslovanja, ne ostavljajući mnogo vremena za prilagođavanje. Mnoge privredne grane su zbog toga izgubile svoje tržišne pozicije. Industrija finansijskih usluga se u poslednjoj deceniji susrela sa inovativnim pružaocima finansijskih usluga, što je dovelo do toga da preispita uvrežene poslovne strategije. Iako sporijim tempom, brzo se menjaju i pravni propisi koji regulišu ovu industriju.

Pravovremena pravna podrška, s toga, može imati ključnu ulogu u održavanju konkurentske pozicije. Naši advokati prilježno prate izmene pravnih propisa i tržišne trendove u finansijskom sektoru.

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You Get the best from Us. Where it matters.

We don’t shy away from innovation. On the contrary, it dives us to find new ways to help you establish your business innovative business models.

We help clients to navigate the financial regulatory landscape as it grows and transforms itself through advising on:

  • Financial services regulation and compliance;
  • Legal support for investors;
    Investments, venture capital, private equity, capital market transactions;
  • Digital products and assets, and cryptocurrencies;
  • E-commerce and internet services;
  • Payment and billing services, crowdfunding.

We skillfully use what we know best and to deliver innovative legal solutions

Drawing on our in-depth financial sector expertise, our finance legal experts comprehensive legal support to both traditional financial institutions, commercial banks, VCs, PE Funds, as well as tech start-ups, innovative payment solution providers, FinTech’s, AI solution providers, etc.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Licensing payment services in Serbia requires meeting regulatory requirements, including financial stability, technical infrastructure, and consumer protection. Our office can provide the necessary support throughout this licensing process.

  • The fintech sector is regulated via a combination of financial regulations and digital services laws. Our law office can assist you in understanding the relevant regulations and ensuring your business complies with them.

  • Electronic payment is regulated by laws pertaining to electronic money, payment services, and consumer protection. Our office can help in aligning your services with these regulations.

  • Compliance involves implementing procedures for client identification, monitoring transactions, and reporting suspicious activities.

  • Fintech startups require compliance with financial regulations, protection of intellectual property, and development of stable technological infrastructures.

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