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Economic measures of the Government of the Republic of Serbia…

Jelisaveta Janić • apr 27, 2020

Economic measures of the Government of the Republic of Serbia – help to the registered farmers

On April 16 2020, Government of the Republic of Serbia has adopted two regulations with economic measures in the agricultural area, in order to improve the position of the farmers, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Adopted are:

  1. Regulation on the financial help to registered farmers in order to reduce negative effects caused by the Covid-19 pandemic (“Official Gazette RS” no 57/2020), and
  2. Regulation on the financial help to registered farmers through facilitated access to credit funds in difficult conditions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic (“Official Gazette RS” no 57/2020).

Previously, the Government of the Republic of Serbia has adopted the Regulation on fiscal incentives and direct grants to the private sector and assistance to all citizens with aim to reduce negative effects on the economy caused by the Covid-19 pandemic (,,Official Gazette RS” no 54/2020), which benefits can be used by farmers as well.

The use of the rights established by the adopted regulations does not exclude the possibility of using other types of assistance, such as subsidies, incentives or donations.

Below in this text you may find more detailed information on the content of financial help and support, as well as who can use these benefits and how.

  1. Financial help

Who is entitled to financial help?

Entitled to the financial help are legal entities, entrepreneurs and natural persons – holder of a commercial family farm inscribed in the Registry of Farmers as an active entity.

Beside these general conditions, proscribed are the following alternative conditions:

  1. the applicant has registered areas under the vegetable growing in the protected area in the Registry of Farmers;
  2. the applicant is the owner of the animal (cow, sheep or goat) which is marked and registered in the Central Animal Labelling Database or the owner of the animal is a member of register farmer’s family;
  3. the applicant is the owner of the bee hive, which is marked and registered in the Central Animal Labelling Database or the owner is a member of register farmer’s family, if he is 70 or more years old.

What is the financial help amount?

It is a one-time assistance in absolute amount of money, which depends on the alternative condition fulfilled by the applicant, i.e. it is determined by the unit of registered area, number of throats of animals or number of beehives, in the amount:

• RSD 25,00 by the square meter of the registered area under the vegetable growing in the protected area, not more than RSD 90.000,00;
• RSD 3000,00 by the animal throat (cow), not more than RSD 30.000,00;
• RSD 500,00 by the animal throat (sheep or goat), not more than RSD 20.000,00;
• RSD 800,00 by the beehive, not more than RSD 20.000,00.

How to be entitled with the financial help?

In order to be entitled with the financial help, it is not necessary to submit any application. The payment of the financial help shall be made on the basis of the data from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management database, directly to the assigned account registered in the Registry of Farmers.

Entitled funds cannot be subject of the enforcement procedure.

  1. Financial help through facilitated access to credit funds

What is prescribed with the Regulation?

Through subsidizing the part of the loan interest, facilitated is the access to the use of loans for certain purposes, such as: development of animal husbandry (purchase of animals and animal insurance premiums), development of fruit growing, arable farming, viticulture, vegetable and floriculture, investment in agricultural machinery and equipment, food supply for animals, investment in certain types Interested parties must be registered in the Registry of Farmers as active. of machinery and equipment used in crop production and for liquidity.

The total funds for the implementation of the Regulation are determined in the amount of 1,450,000,000 RSD.

Who is eligible for credit support?

Credit support was established in favor of: natural person – holder of a commercial family farm, entrepreneur and legal entity, namely agricultural cooperatives with at least five members registered in the Register as holders or members of five different registered farms or if classified into micro or small legal entity in accordance with the Law on Accounting.

Interested parties must be registered in the Registry of Farmers as active.

In the article 4. the Regulation proposes the specific conditions in order to be entitled with loan support (loan must be paid in RSD, conditions regarding the deadline for use of the loan funds, purpose).

What is the maximum amount of the loan?

For the natural persons – holders of the commercial family farm, the maximum amount is RSD 6.000.000, for business entities RSD 18.000.000, and for the liquidity purpose loans the maximum amount is RSD 3.000.000.

How to be entitled with loan support and within which deadline?

It is necessary to submit the written application for approving the loan support to the bank, which has concluded the agreement with Ministry for agricultural businesses.

The deadline for submission of the application is November 2020.

The applicant is obliged to submit the necessary documentation as well, proscribed in articles 12. to 16. of the Regulation, which depends on the purpose of the loan.

Are there any restraints?

Both regulations proscribe the penal provisions for persons who unfoundedly were entitled with financial help or use the funds non-purposely. Proscribed is the obligation to return the unfoundedly paid amount. If the funds are not returned, proscribed are fines in the range of RSD 10.000 – RSD 100.000 for the natural persons, RSD 100.000 – RSD 500.000 for entrepreneurs, and RSD 300.000 – RSD 1.500.000 for business entities.

The Ministry of Agriculture shall supervise the implementation of this Regulation.

  1. Uredba o novčanoj pomoći poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima u cilju ublažavanja posledica nastalih usled bolesti COVID-19 izazvane virusom SARS-COV-2 („Sl. glasnik RS“, br. 57/2020), i
  2. Uredbu o finansijskoj podršci poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima kroz olakšan pristup korišćenju kredita u otežanim uslovima usled bolesti COVID-19 izazvane virusom SARS-COV-2 („Sl. glasnik RS“, br. 57/2020).

Prethodno je Vlada Republike Srbije usvojila i Uredbu o fiskalnim pogodnostima i direktnim davanjima privrednim subjektima u privatnom sektoru i novčanoj pomoći građanima u cilju ublažavanja ekonomskih posledica nastalih usled bolesti COVID-19 („Sl. glasnik RS“, br. 54/2020) čijim pogodnostima se takođe mogu koristiti i poljoprivrednici.

Korišćenje prava ustanovljenih donetim uredbama ne isključuje mogućnost korišćenja i drugih vrsta pomoći, kao što su subvencije, podsticaji ili donacije.

U nastavku ovog teksta možete naći detaljnije informacije o sadržini novčane pomoći i finansijske podrške, kao i ko može koristiti ove pogodnosti i na koji način.

  1. Novčana pomoć

Ko ima pravo na novčanu pomoć?

Pravo na novčanu pomoć ostvaruje pravno lice, preduzetnik i fizičko lice – nosilac komercijalnog porodičnog poljoprivrednog gazdinstva koje je upisano u Registar poljoprivrednih gazdinstava (RPG) i koje se u istom Registru nalazi u aktivnom statusu.

Pored ovih opštih uslova propisani su i sledeći alternativno postavljeni uslovi:

  1. podnosilac zahteva u Registru ima upisane površine pod gajenjem povrća u zaštićenom prostoru;
  2. podnosilac zahteva je vlasnik životinje (krave, ovce ili koze) koja je obeležena i registrovana u Centralnoj bazi podataka o obeležavanju životinja ili je vlasnik životinje član njegovog porodičnog gazdinstva;
  3. podnosilac zahteva je vlasnik košnice pčela koja je obeležena i registrovana u Centralnoj bazi ili je vlasnik član njegovog porodičnog gazdinstva, ukoliko ima 70 ili više godina starosti.

Koliki je iznos novčane pomoći?

Reč je o jednokratnoj pomoći u apsolutnom novčanom iznosu koji zavisi od alternativnog uslova koji ispunjava podnosilac zahteva, tačnije određuje se prema jedinici upisane površine, odnosno prema grlu životinje ili broju košnica pčela i to:

• 25 dinara po kvadratnom metru upisane površine pod gajenjem povrća u zaštićenom prostoru, a maksimalno 90.000 dinara;
• 3000 dinara po grlu krave, a maksimalno do 30.000 dinara;
• 500 dinara po grlu ovce ili koze, a maksimalno do 20.000 dinara;
• 800 dinara po košnici pčela, a maksimalno do 20.000 dinara.

Kako ostvariti pravo na novčanu pomoć?

Kako bi se ostvarilo pravo na novčanu pomoć nije potrebno podnositi poseban zahtev. Isplata novčane pomoći će se vršiti na osnovu podataka iz evidencija Ministarstva poljoprivrede, šumarstva i vodoprivrede i to direktno na namenski račun prijavljen u Registru poljoprivrednih gazdinstava koji je otvoren kod poslovne banke i upisan u ovaj registar.

Sredstva ostvarena po osnovu novčane pomoći ne mogu biti predmet prinudnog izvršenja.

  1. Mere finansijske podrške kroz olakšan pristup kreditima

Šta je propisano Uredbom o finansijskoj podršci poljoprivrednim gazdinstvima?

Kroz subvencionisanje dela kamate na kredit olakšan je pristup korišćenju kredita određenih namena, i to za: razvoj stočarstva (nabavka životinja i premija osiguranja životinja), razvoj voćarstva, ratarstva, vinogradarstva, povrtarstva i cvećarstva, investiciona ulaganja u poljoprivrednu mehanizaciju i opremu, nabavku hrane za životinje, investiciona ulaganja u određene vrste mehanizacije i opreme koja se koristi u biljnoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji i za likvidnost.

Ukupna sredstva za sprovođenje Uredbe utvrđena su u iznosu od 1.450.000.000 RSD.

Ko ima pravo na kreditnu podršku?

Kreditna podrška ustanovljena je u korist: fizičkog lica – nosioca komercijalnog porodičnog poljoprivrednog gazdinstva, preduzetnika i pravnog lica, i to zemljoradničke zadruge sa minimum pet članova koji su upisani u Registar kao nosioci ili članovi pet različitih registrovanih poljoprivrednih gazdinstava ili ukoliko je razvrstano u mikro ili malo pravno lice u skladu sa Zakonom o računovodstvu.

Neophodno je da su lica upisana u Registar poljoprivrednih gazdinstava u aktivnom statusu.

Uredbom su u članu 4 propisani i posebni uslovi za ostvarivanje prava na kreditnu podršku (kredit se mora isplaćivati u dinarima, uslovi koji se odnose na rok korišćenja, namenu).

Koliki je maksimalan iznos kredita?

Maksimalan iznos predviđenog kredita za fizička lica – nosioce komercijalnog porodičnog poljoprivrednog gazdinstva i preduzetnike je 6.000.000 dinara, za pravno lice je 18.000.000 dinara, dok je maksimalan iznos kredita čija je namena likvidnost 3.000.000 dinara.

Kako ostvariti pravo na kreditnu podršku i u kom roku?

Neophodno je podneti pismeni zahtev za odobrenje kreditne podrške banci koja je sa Ministarstvom nadležnim za poslove poljoprivrede zaključila ugovor.

Rok za podnošenje zahteva je novembar 2020. godine.

Uz zahtev, podnosilac je dužan da dostavi i odgovarajuću dokumentaciju koja je propisana u članovima 12 do 16. Uredbe, a koja zavisi od namene kredita.

Da li postoje određena ograničenja?

U obe uredbe unete su i kaznene odredbe za lica koja neosnovano ostvare novčanu pomoć ili se nenamenski koriste finansijskom podrškom. Propisana je obaveza povraćaja neosnovano isplaćenog iznosa, a ukoliko se to ne učini i novčane kazne u rasponu od 10.000,00 RSD do 100.000,00 RSD za fizička lica, odnosno u rasponu od 100.000,00 EUR do 500.000,00 RSD za preduzetnike i u rasponu od 300.000,00 RSD do 1.500.000,00 RSD za pravna lica.

Nadzor nad sprovođenjem ove uredbe vrši Ministarstvo poljoprivrede.